For Community Subscribers
Save money on your monthly bills with community solar.
Whether you're a renter, homeowner, or business, there’s an easy way to save on your monthly electricity bill.
SunCentral’s mission is to accelerate the clean energy transition by reducing the barrier to supporting renewable energy development.
Unlock the power of sunshine with community solar
SunCentral makes the benefits of solar accessible for everyone – here's why you'll love it:
No panels on your roof
Enjoy clean energy without the hassle of installation
Guaranteed savings
Solar credits applied to your electricity bill each month
Support clean energy
Reduce reliance on fossil fuels,
combating the effects of climate change
how it works
Community solar, also known as shared solar or solar farms, depending on your location, makes renewable energy accessible to all. This not only helps your community reduce its reliance on fossil fuels but helps those who participate save money.
Step 1
A community solar array is built
Step 2
Clean energy produced by the solar project is delivered to the electricity grid
Step 3
Electric customers subscribe to the community solar project, and receive bill credits from the utility for the clean energy produced
Step 4
Subscribers pay for the energy produced at a rate lower than the bill credit

Step 5
The result is a net savings for subscribers from locally sourced clean energy
There’s no cost to sign up
In fact – you'll save money each month
Once your project starts generating electricity, you will automatically receive solar
credits on your utility bill. These credits directly reduce your electricity expenses,
ensuring you enjoy consistent yearly savings on your energy bill.
For the specifics of your subscription,
including your savings and subscription fees, please review your Subscription Agreement.
Where we offer community solar

When I moved into my current townhome, I was interested in solar electric but was hesitant to put it on my own roof as I didn't know how long I would be here. Participating in community solar allows me to get some benefit against my electric bill without the upfront investment or commitment.

When I initially read about the program, I found it a little hard to understand how it would work, or maybe even a little hard to believe that it was as simple as it is... I pay some amount for community solar, and then I see a credit on my utility bill which is 10% more than what I paid. Concretely, I'm saving $10-$20/month. The intangible benefit is that I just feel better knowing a chunk of my electricity is coming from the sun and not fossil fuels.

I have a roof that is less than ideal for solar because I have a lot of great trees that I’m not willing to cut down. Community solar offers a great opportunity for people like myself who want to participate but may not have a roof that is conducive. I really recommend community solar, and I have benefited tremendously financially as well.
Navigate the SunCentral platform
Your SunCentral account is your hub for your community solar subscription. This portal provides easy access to your contract, helpful information about your community solar garden, your savings, and pay invoices.

Save money and support clean
energy with SunCentral, simply.
SunCentral’s mission is to accelerate the clean energy transition by reducing
the barrier to supporting renewable energy development.