Rate design and credit offsets are particularly complex in the Illinois market, and without knowing how to set the subscription value, you could be creating a product that customers don’t want or one that crushes the returns for the project… In...
SunCentral Blog & News
Part 2: The Wild, Wild (Mid)West: Learning the Lessons of a Crowded Energy Market
In part two of “The Wild, Wild (Mid)West: Community Solar in IL”, Kacie Peters, Director of Business Development, discusses how we can learn from past mistakes in the energy market to make community solar a sustainable, long-term energy solution.
Introducing: The Wild, Wild (Mid)West: Community Solar in Illinois
The community solar market in IL is expected to grow from a couple of pilot projects to 200 MW in just two years. What impacts will this have on the competitive energy markets, on consumers, and for developers?
Part 1: The Wild, Wild (Mid)West: Community Solar in Ilinois
As of Q4 2018, Illinois had around 100 MW of solar in the entire state. In the next five years, the amount of solar capacity installed in Illinois is expected to grow by more than 1,700%, to 1,600 MW according to SEIA. In part one of this four-part...