April 21, 2020


Two Years Later: What’s New with SunCentral?

Community solar is often a difficult concept for customers to fully understand. The idea of how a “solar subscription” provides clean energy to the grid and savings to the subscriber is a lot to explain. Walking customers through the process verbally is helpful, but showing them visually how each solar project is performing and the savings attributed to production provides a more engaging and understandable experience. For developers and project operators, the same streamlined visual interface is equally as important — providing them with an easily accessible snapshot of revenue and capacity allocation to help asset managers run efficient projects.

For the SunCentral team, developing a user-friendly visual interface is just one of many features and offerings that we have been working to refine since we launched the software just two years ago. When we first launched SunCentral, the concept was simple: create an elegant cloud platform service designed to simplify realizing the value of community solar for all stakeholders: project developers, customers, and utilities alike. Since then, our offering has evolved into more than just a community solar management service helping project operators attract and retain subscribers, we have created a unique and streamlined set of tools of mobilizing community solar assets across the country, regardless of market, program, or subscriber type.




Notably, ensuring our software supports all sub-segments of customers within the community solar industry has also been an ongoing priority for the SunCentral team. Community solar represents an enormous opportunity to serve low-and moderate-income (LMI) households with clean and affordable energy. However, the retention rate for these customers has historically been very low due to billing and payment barriers. Over the last year, we have upgraded and expanded the software’s functionality to support LMI project partnerships with groups like GRID Alternatives and Power52 Energy Solutions, and we plan to continue to support the expansion of tools and resources to support all segments of the market.

Currently, SunCentral manages nearly 150 megawatts of community solar capacity across the country, for dozens of projects ranging in size and scope. In Colorado alone, SunCentral is the most widely used software service within a quickly growing and competitive community solar market. The simplicity and configurability of the platform are proving a successful match for project developer and owner needs across the country, especially in light of its right-sized pricing structure for the breadth and depth of functionality.

The SunCentral team is committed to enhancing and upgrading the toolset offered through the platform to best serve the needs of the industry and our partners. To schedule a demo of SunCentral, or to find out more about its expanded features, contact our team today at: info@suncentral.net, or call us at 888.734.3033 ext. 703.

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